Survey Says! We’re Sick of the “Internet Information Marketing” Scene!

December 14, 2010 by Lizabeth Phelps

So, if you read my post from last Monday, it will put the results below in context. Suffice it to say that I got a “knock on the head” about the phoniness of the internet information marketing gurus and asked my list to chime in with their opinions. It is a small sample–with a BIG message!

#1 How “fed up” with the Internet Information Gurus are you? (OPTIONS)

1. I used to admire them, but have stopped because they feel superficial to me. –60%

2. I’ve never followed them because they have always seemed “slick” to me.-–25%

3. I have no problem with them–and very much aspire to their levels of success and how they got there! –0%

(Interesting…NOT one said they had “no problem” with them!)

Comments from This Section

Our marketing internet industry has become a place of greed and flat out lies.

The conclusion you have drawn is the one I’ve been drawing for a while. At first it was so new to me that I really tried to learn as much as I could, then I noticed how the formula played out in all the various ‘guru’s’ out there. I don’t even read their stuff anymore! AND as one of them said…this is tested, it works. And there is a sucker born every minute. I want to offer something important that isn’t a hype or a come on.

Most of them are “slick” to me as well. I try to undig the information and resist the ‘continous education is an investmet, train with me’

I observe more as a way of knowing what “not to do.” Kinda like a bad boss.

I take only LIVE coaching when I FEEL it is exactly what I NEED at this very moment

They are all the same and i too am sick of the unending litany of emails that i get from some of them. They all seem to think that more emails are better – NOT TRUE!

There are gold nuggets in each offering but some folks are just too pushy and their programs are too expensive. Even the person I have known a long time has gone to the darker side of $$$$$.

I haven’t stopped following all of them because I can still learn while ignoring the hype and hypno-sales techniques

I know that the ‘free’ seminars will almost always include a 10-20 minute pitch. I tend to tune them out or leave the call. As for the ‘how you can leverage yourself into a six-figure income’ types, enough already! If all it requires is a formula than we would all be rich. Obviously there is more to building a business than that — our own emotional disposition being one of the biggest factors.

#2: Do you think the lack of trust in Internet Information Gurus is growing?

65% –yes

35%–haven’t asked, so can’t say


Comments from This Section:

Seems many are modeling the identical model.. very boring

So much car salesman tactics that are not attractive or part of conscious business practices. Underneath the testimonial is the mantle of $$$ for the guru Manipulation is the name of the game.

#3 : Here is a list of typical marketing strategies used in information marketing. Please RANK them by number, from those that “turn you off” the most to least.

1. interviews with guest gurus

2. email marketing FOR their guru friends

3. email marketing of their own newsletters

4. email marketing of their own *promotion*

5. live events with many speakers selling

6. free teleseminars

7. free live seminars

8. free video trainings

9. social media

Worst Offenders:

  1. Live events with many speakers selling
  2. Email marketing FOR their guru friends
  3. Email marketing of their own *promotion*
  4. Social media


4, 2, 9, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 8

5, 8, 4, 2, 7, 6, 9, 1, 3

9. 4. 3. 5. 6. 2. 7. 1. 8.

2, 1 ,4 ,3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

5, 9

5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 6 5, 7 , 8, 9

5, 7, 8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 3

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 8, 7, 6

5  2, 7, 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 8

2, 5–the rest are necessary

4, 3, 2, 5, 8,7

2, 5, 9, 1, 3, 7, 6, 8, 4,

9, 8, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, 7

2, 3, 5

5, 4, 2, 3, 1, …

Comment from This Section:

None of these things bother me, per se; it’s HOW they are used. An interview with a guest guru would be fine if it were not a hype fest/ ego booster. Same for email marketing of promotions. If they are relevant and not full of bull, that’s fine. The problem is they are so full of shit. I’m currently a part of a group venture and the hype is embarrassing me. Another lesson learned.

#4 And here is a list of typical *business* strategies used in information marketing. Please RANK them by number, from those that “turn you off” the most to least.

1. Big-ticket year-long “mastermind” programs, from $20-$100K
2. Monthly memberships ($19-$250) with online membership site + 1 CD + newsletter +  one group call with Guru
3. Seminars with multiple speakers, all selling packages.
4. VIP days–go to the home of the guru for a day
5. Big-ticket home-study programs (lots of videos/dvds/cds + manuals) for $1500+

Worst offenders:

  1. Seminars with multiple speakers, all selling packages.
  2. Big-ticket year-long “mastermind” programs, from $20-$100K
  3. Monthly memberships
  4. Big-ticket home-study programs

3, 5, 2, 4, 1

1, 2, 5, 4, 3

4. 5. 1. 3. 2

1, 2, 4, 3, 5

1, 2, 5

3, 4, 1, 5, 2

5, 4, 2, 3, 1

1, 3, 4, 2, 5

5, 4, 3, 1, 2

2, 1, 3, 4, 5

1 ,2 ,5, 3 ,4

3, 4, 1, 5, 2

5, 4, 1, 3, 2

3, 5, 1

3, 4, 5, 1, 2

1, 5, 4, 3, 2

3, 2


Comments from This Section:

No one is inherently bad, it’s more the method of self-promotion and the lack of valuable content that bothers me.

Lots of folks think they walk on water when they sure do not! The use of “incredible” “amazing” and other superlatives surrounding price of a special offer. “Do it now or it will cost more later.”

3 is by far the worst because you end up in one without realizing it.
2 because you can end up in these without realizing it.

3 & 4 could be okay. If there is really value to the seminar or access to the guru (bad term; good for big egos), and the upsell portion is really minimal, I don’t mind so much. Usually, though, I a not-too-thinly veiled upsell is the major thrust of the presentations.

Group calls with ‘Guru’ are only good if you have reasonable access, so the membership has to be limited, somehow. Again, the major thrust behind membership sites seems to be, “How can I make more money and work less?” This sickens me.

#6: How would a TRUSTWORTHY “Information Leader” do business? How would s/he market?

  • Be themselves … be real, but still PLAY BIG.

  • honestly, authentically, and with integrity

  • I want more practicality, and honesty “it won’t”, “you need to improve here and there”. Less exclamation of admiration as if the truth was just discovered. If something is good, yes, acknowledge it but I want less high-pitch “awesome’. Down to earth.

  • Some discreet disclosure; Substantial information for reasonable cost in time, energy and money; CD and group settings seem fruitful.

  • Teach first, then make services available.

  • The ONLY way I have seen transformation taking place in me has been through LIVE communication where ONE on ONE coaching is offered. So the information leader MUST offer me this in order for me to even consider giving him any money.

  • Email people when you truly have something to say or something new to offer, not every week or every day because you think you have to

  • If you can still learn from them without spending a cent…that’s good thing!

  • UP front honesty on what is offered at what price. NO HYPE on supposed value of products offered.. It is only valuable if I agree to pay the $$. Honesty about affiliate income from my purchases.
  • NO buy it now or loose out on the special price. Immediate decisions are pressure. A good product will sell itself w/o this car salesman tactic.
  • Membership community at very low cost with many free offerings.
  • NO GAMES! I am so tired of the manipulation

  • A sales/opt in page that is not a 30 min read through testimonial land.

  • Lead with actual leadership qualities. Yes, we all have information and products we would like to disseminate to the public, but it seems that over-inflating the price which puts a perceived value on the item engenders people to want to buy to see what the hidden gold is only to find out there isn’t any hidden gold, it’s just the same old stuff rehashed into a different format. I think we need to get back to an actual value based system. Why not let the buyers put their perceived value first – a few dollars to one person when it’s all they have is a far greater fortune than the $1500 to the person who has it to spend. When an individual values something they will use it.

  • Tell the fricking truth and stop the bullshit hype. It’s not the tools or the channels, it’s the message you deliver

  • I don’t think all of the above strategies are bogus or inflated depending on who the person is that you are going to spend time with. Consultants in lots of industries charge high fees for their expertise. We might pay to save us time and money by taking the long way. Bait and switch is my most hated ploy.

  • Content-rich mailings and seminars/workshops, with a mention of what is available next, and being available after an event to speak one to one about people’s concerns. Building trust and rapport work with me. It may take longer to enroll a new client (or not), but it sure feels better.

Well, there you have it! Know any Internet Information Marketing Guru? Send ’em over
here so they can get some sense knocked into them!

I’m still happy to take your thoughts over at Survey Monkey:

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