If you’re interested in hiring Lizabeth Phelps to speak at an event or training, feel free to review the videos and descriptions below to get a feel for her stage presence and style best for visionary entrepreneurs and organizations. If you’d like to inquire about having her speak, please fill out your info here.

Topics for Entrepreneurial Groups

Building a Business Empire that Changes the World—90 minutes

After years of building one-of-a-kind visionary businesses, Lizabeth has synthesized her very unique techniques and processes into a masterfully simple formula for creating a business empire that also changes the world. In this meeting, she will 1) illuminate the big-picture missing-links in typical business models; 2) describe what is entailed in, and meant by, a business “empire”; 3) engage participants in her proprietary process for developing a thriving business at the helm, as an inspired leader of change. Participants will walk out with a powerful new sense of their purpose and an urgency to fulfill it, as well as the formula for designing a highly successful, re-invented business that leads change.

Inspiration Sells! The Future of Successful Business—30 to 60 minutes

Visionary entrepreneurs must not only influence others to buy their services, but must influence them to act and change, so they fulfill their purpose of helping to change the world. The only thing, however, that has ever changed the world is inspirational communication. Inspiration sells. It sells ideas and it sells products. In this presentation, Lizabeth puts forth this contention and gives examples of inspirational selling throughout modern history. Participants will walk out with tips for incorporating inspiration into their selling.

From Old-School to New Paradigm Public Speaking—2-Hour Event

If you have been giving presentations and seminars for a while now and are comfortable on stage, even LOVE it, there’s something important you don’t know: no matter how seasoned you are, there are four hidden cultural influences that destine you to be ineffective and mediocre with audiences. You are immersed in these subtle, ancient influences and cannot see them. But they are responsible for the epidemic of outdated “audience leadership” in our society.
In this 2-hour event you will learn what these cultural influences are—that you are mimicking–so you can leave the Old Paradigm behind. And then, you’re going to step into the New Paradigm of Audience Leadership—and learn secrets for grabbing and keeping the attention of an audience based on the latest brain research. As an expert giving presentations, seminars and teleseminars–you MUST know what the BRAINS in your audiences need in order to learn fast and remember long.

In this event, you will learn:

  • What the hidden forces are that destine you to be ineffective with audiences, and how they infiltrate every speech, talk and seminar you give.
  • What’s beyond them. You’ll be introduced to the New Paradigm and why it is the only path a successful expert can afford to take into the future.
  • Techniques you can begin to use even tomorrow—on your teleclass, and absolutely at your next live presentation/seminar.
  • That in the New Paradigm, you’re not a “speaker,” “lecturer,” “presenter,” or “seminar leader”…you’re something so much more—and just knowing what that is will change who you are and what you do with groups.
  • You will leave with know-how that will explode your market value and give you an unprecedented competitive edge. And throughout it all, you will have (dare we say it?) FUN!

Book Lizabeth Now

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