Experts: How to Make Your Dent in the Universe

In a now-famous pitch to someone he wanted to bring on board Apple in the early days, Steve Jobs said, “We are inventing the future….Come down here and make a dent in the universe.”

A fairly gargantuan vision, but because he held it tenaciously and with his characteristic bravado, he did it.

Imagine holding yourself to the same standard. How would you make a dent in the Universe? What would it take?

When we look through history, it seems that these kinds of leaps happen only once or twice a century. But our history was set in categorically slower times. We are now spinning through space at accelerated speed and universe-denting originality is happening more and more frequently. Who were we before the internet just twenty years ago? Before Google just 10 years ago? Before Facebook just 7 years ago? We have all  been changed forever by these dents–in a very short period of time.

Is it possible that, because our globe is spinning through a time warp, such originality can happen every month?

How about for every person? Can we all make dents?

A Different Kind of Reality Check

Do you even want to, or are you content to change the world one person at a time? That’s cool. To each his own. However, Jobs would have snapped something nasty at you and sent you on your way for aiming too low; he only worked with those who wanted to bend time.  But I’m not the nasty sort—so I will just suggest that perhaps you’re selling yourself short, falling asleep at the wheel your Soul gave you once upon a time.

If you are in the business of imparting knowledge, shifting thinking, altering behavior, healing bodies—and you do not use the powers vested in you to the extent of their potential, you’re seriously messed up. (Sorry, was channeling Jobs there for a minute.) But it is definitely time for a reality-distortion check.

Steve (I’ll be writing more about this another day) was known to live inside what his employees dubbed a “reality distortion field,” where no laws of physics, or any other laws for that matter, applied. He believed everything was possible without exception, things that did not exist in the known universe yet, and ignored all signs of impossibility.

Personally, I attribute the dent he made to this one character trait. So, it stands to reason that you want to adapt it, too, in order to spin your wheel as it was designed to be spun.

Deciding (for that’s all Jobs did) that everything is possible, and knowing that your wisdom and knowledge is there to make a dent in the universe and not the cushions of your desk chair—or why else even be here–the question is, how to do it?

The Strategy for Making This Kind of Impact

So, you don’t sell a tangible product like Apple; you sell intangible ideas. Therefore, your one-of-a-kind art is not (primarily) found in design and usability as Jobs was so fastidious about perfecting. Your art is in what you say. And it must cut a path. It must be different. This world is saturated with content; saturated with coaches, consultants, healers and therapists. You will only survive if what you say rises above them all. 

And the design you must shape with meticulous care is a story. Stories captivate the imagination the way perfectly sculpted designs captivate the visual sense. But in your case, we’re not talking about your story, or the story of your company/business, or the story of your clientele—the kinds of stories you’re being told to develop.

As an expert, you must offer a Teaching Story. An artfully formed narrative that teaches what no one else is teaching. This is the ultimate in education-based marketing.

To do this, you must first know your market—really, really well.  When Jobs’ mentor, Mike Markkula, aligned with the original motley crew, he wrote a one-page paper entitled, “The Apple Marketing Philosophy,” that emphasized just three points that went on to define the company forever. The first was empathy—“an intimate connection with the feelings of the customer.” He wrote, “We will understand their needs better than any other company.”

What followed? A dent in the universe. Your teaching story will reflect your understanding of your market better than any one else. Even better than they understand themselves. (Channeling Steve again.)

And your teaching story will go one better. It will wrap your market into an emotionally tight tribal community, where powerful unity and affinity exists among like-minds.

Then, the drama of the story begins. It quietly discusses what they always believed to be true; what they have always accepted as true–in society, their industry, culture, or thinking. And just as they’re relaxing into the reminder of this natural order of things, your teaching story slams into suspense, surprising them with the fact that this truth is out-dated, decrepit, and ineffectual. It suspends them there, as any good chase scene does, detailing the problems with the prevailing paradigm, sinking them deeper and deeper into the dire outcome of staying in the reality they’ve adapted for so long.

Then, in gallops the knight in shining armor to save them: your vision of a “new paradigm,” with a brand new landscape, a brand new solution. (This is your one-of-a-kind brand identity.) And it includes a vision for them as a tribe—the legacy they, as like-minded peers, are here to unfold together.

This is when you peel away from the pack of ordinary experts; away from your “good enough” mentality and acceptable bank account—and become a bona fide Inspired Thought Leader, with content worthy of a TED talk; worthy of cutting a path in the publishing field…worthy of making a dent in the universe.

Why? Because in your Teaching Story, you are “inventing the future”!

Does that seem impossible?

Then press the button on your reality distortion field and step in–quickly!

Everything is possible.

And why else even be here if you–with something to teach–aren’t going to dent the universe?

All of this is especially possible if you reach out to me. This is what I do. I develop Inspired Thought Leaders who have one-of-a-kind Teaching Stories that cut a path through the nonsense and noise. Bold, creative, thought-provoking, paradigm-breaking stories so their market respects them, loves them and buys them.

It’s Time to Grab That Wheel, Look Out On the Future and Know You Can Invent It!

Read how I do this with experts by clicking here, and then reach out to me at the bottom of that page. We’ll get on a call and start inventing the future!


Do You Dare to Lead?

In some circles, I say that I am in the business of communication–
but the bigger truth is that I’m in the business of developing leaders
of change
, who, of course, must communicate with extraordinary
skill. Throughout most of history, leaders of change were confined
to the political, academic, religious and corporate stages. In fact, for
thousands of years, all power resided in these arenas, and the “little
person” had virtually no voice.

But as we see these industries crumbling, we are witnessing an historic
“changing of the guard,” as power moves back to the people. Daily,
leaders of change are leaping onto their own make-shift stages,
right there in the middle of a crowd. We have seen this phenomenon
spike dramatically in just three or four years, as YouTube, Amazon,
Facebook and iTunes stage new leaders every day. It doesn’t matter
their age, race, education or economic standing, new voices are rising
to the fore almost by the minute—confident, compelling and effective.
We can expect this sensation to reach a tipping point very soon, as
more and more people claim their power, their “internal authority,”
and lead us all in planetary change.

If you are such a visionary, congratulations. You’ve cleared the highest
hurdle of all: the concern that you are too insignificant to lead, too small
to effect change. Something became more important than your fear and
allowed you to sail over those obstacles.

If you have been hanging back, now is the time to do the same. Now is
the time to recognize that you came here to take the innate, hard-earned
wisdom and knowledge within you and heal others. You are a leader of

But listen: that role carries on its shoulders nothing less than our
collective future. The responsibility is great. But you were born for
the job, so that won’t trip you up. But here’s what might: your need
for approval is greater than your intent for change.
When you
could push the envelope, ruffle feathers, rock the boat, risk criticism
by doing things differently and leading “out of the box”—you will
instead stay safe within it. But unchanged  …and changing nothing.

You do not have time or the luxury any more to ask yourself, am I
a leader
? You are! The question is, do I dare to lead? Or is it more
important for me to follow…the tastes, preferences and safety zones
of others so they admire me? Not for my brilliance, but for keeping
them comfortable?

For the “New Paradigm,” Inspired Leader, the profound, inner
passion to effect change, to impact the future, is greater than the
need for approval. Indeed, the New Paradigm, Inspired Leader turns
away from all external authority and acts from his inner authority,
a power-center of certainty, self-trust and conviction that by its very
definition pulls him to think what others fear to think, do what others
fear to do and go where others fear to go.

The New Paradigm, Inspired Leader follows nothing but her
own truth, no matter how unpopular it may be–because she knows
what engenders change. And change is what matters. She is in
service to others; that’s what matters. She will do what must be done
to serve effectively, with power, impact and integrity.

The world is waiting for you; the stage is lit and ready. It’s time for
you to step up and raise your voice. The question is not anymore, am I
a leader
? The question is, do I dare to lead, and make some uncomfortable?
Is my intent for change greater than my need for approval?

If so, the mic is on. Go give ‘em your best shot.


If you dare move into the New Paradigm of Inspired Leadership…
one step may be the free Virtual Visionaries call Wednesday May 18.
You may sign up for that here. Another will most definitely be
Secrets of Impact & Influence: The 2-Day Event
, coming
to New Jersey, Sept. 23 and 24th. Watch for details!

How Seductive is Mediocrity in Your Business?

Mediocrity is a form of madness, a dream embraced by the
masses because it makes just getting by an acceptable —
sometimes applauded — social art form.” ~Guy Finley

So, I love this quote. Love, love, love it.  This is what we are
escaping, when we’re escaping the wannabees: mediocrity.
The madness of accepting “just getting by” because so many
around us do. We’re all guilty of it, to greater and lesser degrees.
I think we shake ourselves out of banality only when 1) doing
so is somewhat easy for us; it’s an area we don’t resist too
strongly (like giving up chocolate for Lent), or 2) when it has
finally pushed us to a pain we can’t bear any longer. However,
that leaves us wallowing in (and comfortable in) mediocrity
if we’re somewhere in-between: not willing to leap into foreign
territory (giving up sex for Lent), but not yet burning in the fire
of our desperation. For most of us, this is in-between is our every

And the consequence? Here’s another quote I love, shared by
David Hepburn, Jr. today on Facebook, “The place you want is
currently occupied by what you have settled for.” Virtually every
day, we’re giving up what we want, to allow what we’ve settled
for. That is insanity!

In business, this means that we’re willing to “leave the hive,”
Escape the Wannabees, only when doing so isn’t too risky—the

price of outsourcing is reasonable—or when we’re on the cusp
of bankruptcy. If something costs a bit too much for our comfort,
or failures aren’t too painful, we deepen the grooves of the hole
we’ve burrowed in and slip deeper into “mediocrity madness.”

I regularly plant explosives beneath the burrow of my clients,
catapulting them into new realms that terrify them. And I take
great pleasure in doing so! Some blame me, at the start, for
the immediate dishevelment of their burrow; it truly is a work
of art for them, no matter how undistinguished. Others applaud
the freedom! I’ve noticed, over the years, that the former type
slink back to their old ways when we’re done; the latter keeps
climbing to higher ground.

I am currently teaching a new course, Creating a Transform-
ational Signature Program
, and on the call yesterday, one of

the participants said, “Wow, I just don’t think this way,” when
I was teaching them my proprietary “Transformational Arc”—
how to provide a paradigm shift for every audience they engage
with. It was totally new territory for her—and for all of them;
this is revolutionary stuff—but for her, “leaving the hive” this
way, where she has to get her audiences to feel, in order to
transform, thus breaking her away from the majority of
speakers and teachers who don’t know how to do this (and
are afraid to)—this was momentarily unsettling for her.

I also have them going out on a limb in this class, excavating
and crafting their “Meta Message”an inspirational message
with a universal truth
, that will inform the content of their

signature program; will be woven into the personal story they
tell when they deliver their program or a keynote speech; and
that they will infuse into their marketing. This is exhilarating
for all of my clients—they see that they are creating their
business to align with their deepest inspirational belief—and
they’re going to attract like-minded clients with this extremely
powerful message. But it’s not being done out there, so they
have to move out of their comfort zones to dare to lead with
this bold kind of message, vs. the typical marketing messages.
They have to leave what they’ve settled for in order to lead
with this message of change.

I’m inviting them to step into their role as an “inspired leader,
and there is nothing mediocre about going there, so–just as with
all of us who have pushed off what we’re called to do and want
to do because “settling” is so much easier—my clients hover

around the hive for a while before finally escaping it. But then,
they transform and end the madness. At least in that area.

I suppose as long as we live, there will be some “acceptance of
mediocrity” to uncover within ourselves…yes? Or no! What do you think?

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