Final Session to Help 2 Financial Coaches Get Clients. Today: Planning the Launch!

In this 8th and final session, I make sure M&M leave with a sound
plan-of-action they can implement without me; that they have
a strategy for “launch.”

I help to take them from where they are right now—with a com-
pletely designed signature program and solid marketing strategies
–to the day they deliver their program. We create a “count-down”
to the event, and I cover everything from what to say to referral
partners to inspire them to spread the word about the program, to
what to say to get speaking engagements at churches and schools….
to the all-important, and always over-looked, math exercise to
determine how many people they need in their room to break-even,
make a profit, and have a healthy conversion into their next program.

A similar countdown is in chapter 11 of Speak Free and Profit (that
ebook you see on the right-hand side of the page), and it is very
detailed, but I’ll share what I had M&M do so you see how meticu-
lous you need to get. What do they do with all of the Touch Point
1 contacts I had them collect? They need to reach out to them
to see if they’re open to hosting M&M or referring them. I make
M&M write down all of the dates when they will make those calls.
Then they must mail the letter of introduction I wrote for churches
and schools.

Next (and promptly), in order to have something tangible to give
to these contacts, they must take the copy I wrote for them for
their promotional postcard and get it designed by a graphic
designer or Vistaprint, or Overnightprints. I make them put
the date in their calendar when they will send the copy to the
designer and when they’ll have the postcards in their hands.

Then, when will they go networking? They have just 3-4 months
to promote
, and in that time, they need to saturate the market
with their presence and promotional material. And when will they
do their “video promotion” day, when they interview couples on
the street?

Next…how will they secure registrations? They need to add an
autoresponder to their technology, and have a page on their
website just for registrations. Even before that, they need to
secure a hotel, or the venue where they will host their seminar.
Again, I ensure that they write all of this down in their calendar
because I won’t be with them to provide accountability.

Very important, they need to carve out lots of time to practice.
And in order to deliver the “offer-from-stage,” they need to have
fleshed out the details of their next program (the 1-Day). So, when
are they going to sit down and design that program? They also need
to create a hand-out for their offer-from-stage—an order and/or
description form
for the audience to hold while M tells them
about the 1-Day program.

Sound overwhelming? Sound like you don’t want to bother with
so much work? Well, M&M have each other to lighten the load, and
you can certainly hire someone to help you—but even if you work
alone, just taking one step at a time and putting each step into
your calendar
are the keys to a smooth transition. Then, before
you know it, you’re on that stage, sharing the message and the solution
your market so desperately needs—and you look back at the stream
of things you did to get there, the frustration you experienced and
the pitfalls–and they all fade into the background. You are offering
an invaluable service, sharing your heart and your wisdom—helping
transform an audience—while you also make far more money than
you would working one-on-one. It’s well worth every step.

And M&M feel that way as we say good-bye. It’s been a steep incline
for them, doing things they’d never done before—and at warp speed,
no less: eight sessions in just one month. As we wind-down our last call,
the female “M” says to me, after much acknowledgment,  “We need a
break from you, girl!” I laugh. “Those are the sweetest words I’ve ever
heard. It means I did my job.” She responds, “You did your job
exceedingly and in abundance!”

Truly, I couldn’t ask for more.
I hope you enjoyed this 8-day blog series! And if you ever need
me to help you with your signature program, I’m here!

And you know that everything I did with M&M is available for
you in an 8 CD-Set, Getting Clients with an Irresistible
Signature Program that Sells AND Transforms,
I’m very excited to be able to offer that to you. Go see the
videos and grab your copy by clicking here!

Session #5/8 with 2 Financial Coaches: Marketing Their Seminar!

By the end of the 5th session, M&M no doubt feel a little
like this guy. One of them says to me, “I can hardly wait
for the next session!” with a little more than a touch of
sarcasm. I can be highly creative, but I can also be meti-
culously analytical, and this is the session where that side
of me comes out in spades! I lead them step-by-step through
a detailed discussion of how to market their signature portal

They want to penetrate a local, not national, market, so we
explore an entirely local strategy—yet this session will
stimulate your marketing juices, even if you are doing on-
line marketing. So the question we answer in this session
is, “What are all the ways you’re going to reach your

We list all Touch-Point 1 venues again–churches, Rotary Clubs
and other affinity groups, schools and referral partners, and then
(and this is where it got painstakingly detailed), we moved through
every step in the communication process with each venue.
What does the initial outreach look like for most of them? Usually,
it’s calling to ask what form of contact they prefer: letter, brief face-
to-face appointment, phone call, email? They would do this with
referral partners and the places where they would actually give
their seminar. Then, we look at every communication piece
they will need, from letters of introduction, to a phone script, to
leave-behinds such as fliers or postcards. They’ll need something
for their referral partners (marriage counselors) to hand out to their
clients about the signature program, and they’d need something
to hand churches, schools and affinity groups that would describe
the event
and its benefit to them.

This may all seem common sense, but I tell you, very few people
subject their marketing to such microscopic analysis until it’s
right upon them, and then they become overwhelmed. M&M may
feel blown away with all the initial footwork and planning that’s
entailed in formulating all of the promotional communication,
but it’s better to be overwhelmed with lots of time on your hands
than with very little–which is the case for most.

We also talk about networking options for them, such as NAWBO,
BNI and Meet-Ups, and the communication pieces that are require
for those scenarios. I tell them the secret that helped me stand
at networking events: handing out a postcard–not a flier and
not a business card–that described my 2-hour live event and acted
as a “ticket,” elevating its status above typical leave-behinds at
networking events.

And we discuss publicity options such as, of course, the required
press release, but also the idea of M&M, as that “older and wiser”
couple, videotaping themselves interviewing younger couples
on the street, as a way to get some local publicity and also as
a way to move them onto the internet, by putting those videos
on their blog.

Finally, one of the “M”s asks me, “What key phrases tend to get
people to take action; that would have them want to come hear
this?” And I told them one of the Brain-Sticky tricks of marketing
communication: humans hate to not know something; to re-
alize there is information they don’t have. We can’t stand it. That’s
why the 5:00 news trailers always say something like, “What is
the dangerous bug that could be hiding out in YOUR child’s stuffed
animal? Tune in to find out.” Are you going to watch? Heck, yes!
I’ve even DVR’d a local news segment because they “got me” with
one of these. We cannot stand not knowing information—if it is
relevant and important to us

So I tell M&M that they want to employ this in their marketing
copy, namely teasing couples with the fact (and it is a fact) that
they are embroiled in a secret cycle that is causing their financial
problems. Because it’s stimulating the brain’s “need to know,” and
it is extremely relevant to their couples, they will want to attend
the seminar just to find out what that secret cycle is.

So, detailed, methodical and not exactly sexy, but the topic of
this session was, as M&M both concluded, the “kick in the pants
they needed to get all of this started.” Maybe it is for you, too?
Here’s an action-item for you
: write down all of your Touch-
Point 1 venues (where you’ll reach your market). Then next to each,
determine the first point of communication—what is it? And what
communication piece will it require? Then, what other communi-
cation pieces will you need as you deepen your relationship with
each venue?

TOMORROW you can see the first promotional video about
the 8 CD-Set, which will be available on Wednesday! Come back
here to find out where to go, or get on my list (above) to get
the information sent to your email. Session #5 is tomorrow, so
stay tuned for what I do next with M&M!

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