Oprah’s at Radio City–Christina Aguilera and Lots of Energy!

May 8, 2010 by Lizabeth Phelps

So, Oprah’s show today is live from Radio City–at least,
that’s what THEY say.  It’s not quite live–but anyway, it
was a great show and I had a very interesting question
come to mind
as I was getting ready for the curtain to
rise. But before that, let me give you the scoop.

This show was celebrating Oprah’s 10th anniversary of her
magazine, so her guests were the star contributors of the
magazine:  Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Suze Orman and Nate Berkus
and celebrity moms like Cybil Shephard, Jane Seymour
and Vanessa Williams,
taking part in a Mother’s Day fashion
show. The big news, though, was–are you ready for this?–Dr.
Phil shaved off his moustache! And you know what? He looks
SOOO young without it. THEN came the star-power: Christina
gave a stunning performance, blowing the roof off RC.
She is back and is in rare form, let me tell you! Gorgeous, with
once-in-a-generation pipes!  Amazing. 

It was a great time and I’m lucky my ex and I are still good friends
because he’s my source for all this. 🙂

So, as I was sitting there, waiting for the show to begin, I
started thinking about something and would love your
. As all TV shows do, Oprah has a staff member who
gins-up the audience; get us really roused and energetic
before Oprah comes on. So, this energetic woman got on stage
and said things like, “Hey, New York! Let me hear you!” And
when we weren’t loud enough, she cried, louder herself, “I
can’t hear you!” She had people dancing on stage…and as I
was in this sea of energy, I recalled a comment that
someone made on my blog-telecall
the other day, as
we were talking about mirror neurons.

She talked of feeling manipulated at seminars and presen-
tations when the leader “froths up” the audience, as this
woman did today. You’ll want to listen to that telecall; it
was really interesting. I gave my 2 cents about that, which
I won’t go into here, but I was thinking of her statement
when I was in the audience this morning–not at ALL feeling
. I thought of how rock and pop stars do this
same thing: they get the audience revved up. And here’s my question.

I don’t believe it can be answered without some careful thought.
It doesn’t have a shallow answer, I believe.  When and where
was the line drawn, where it became taboo to have high-energy
like that  in a presentation or seminar? (Or boardroom!) Why is
it that the woman on my call the other day associates “manipul-
ation” and “phoniness” with getting an audience ginned up before
content is delivered? Why is it okay to do it at a rock or pop
–and before a television show, but not at a seminar
or presentation?

When was the line drawn–and why, do you think? Truthfully,
it’s a “rule” that’s just been made up. I don’t know of any universal
Black Book that dictates this as Truth. And yet it is entrenched
in our idea of what’s right and wrong
in giving presentations.

I’d love to hear your thoughtful thoughts on this.

I teach about the powerful “energy circuit” that is created in
presentation and seminar rooms, and I’d love for you to learn
more about that 2-day event. After you’ve posted your thoughts
to my question, go check out this webpage that discusses what it
is that all presenters do wrong when they’re presenting–no
matter how experienced they are: www.inspiredleadershiptraining.com/secrets

And I really look forward to your response!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Leave a Reply to David Hepburn Jr Cancel reply


  • Chuck from Dallas says:

    Hadn’t thought about that before, but one sign of guru is asking questions others aren’t thinking of.

    I think it is an issue of context. At an entertainment venue, I’m excited just to be there. So they are putting a voice on my excitement and drawing me out.

    At a seminar or business presentation, I’m interested and want to learn. But when the presenter turns it into a show I think it is because they have nothing new to say and want to cover that up with noise.

    So maybe I’m still locked under the Puritan ideal of not having fun while I learn.

    Thanks for making me think late on Friday afternoon.

  • David Hepburn Jr says:

    I don’t know that a line has been drawn with regards to energy in meetings and presentations. I would day about the woman who felt manipulated, that it’s her problem. Just because she is not in alignment with the presenters or performers and chooses to look at it as being manipulated or phony, it says more about her than the presenters.
    If it’s a “rule” then it is a dumb one! What is the key to selling or presenting? Raising the emotion of the audience, whether it be 3 in a conference room or 30k in a stadium.
    The audience will forget what you told them…but they will remember how you made them feel.

  • LOALovecoach says:

    Hey Lizabeth,

    There is nothing like passion. Passion, when it rings, creates a physical reaction in all who are lucky enough to be nearby. It can’t be faked or manufactured in any way. That is the beauty and magic if it.

    Yes, some people try to create a reaction but that is not the same thing, is it? I love the feeling of shared passion and it is why I am such an Oprah fan!

    Thanks for opening this conversation. As a heart based business owner, I want my clients to believe in what is possible. I know that the more I develop my mission and my message, the easier it will be for my ideal clients to find me.

    Passion is irresistable!


  • Mark says:

    The young lady that feels she has been manipulated is more than likely correct. We’ve all been to the biz opp meetings or training meetings that try to get you all excited before anything of value is given, just so they can sell you something. If they get you excited and all pumped up it is easier to get you to buy what they are selling.

    Why is it okay at the concert, because the concert is nothing more then entertainment. We know the artist and paid good money because we wanted the feeling. Oprah is the master at getting people excited over nothing. She says buy a book everyone runs and buys a book without thinking if there is really any value in it or not.

    I Personally sit there with my arms folded until I receive value. Than I’ll get excited. If there is no value I sit there with my arms folded even if no one else does.

    If it’s for entertainment purposes only, yell and shout all you want. If I’m there to be educated, you better give me something of value if you want me to join in with you. The blog explains why I could care less about Oprah. Sorry to offend any Oprah lovers. Sensational TV just doesn’t do anything for me.


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