This is what I believe, passionately: we are here to contribute to the progress of the human condition–but only bold, daring originality will move us forward. To have the impact we are here to make, to be successful personally and for humanity, we must leave the hive,” dare to think and act as others won’t–no matter how unpopular it may be.

We must “escape the wannabees”–those who want but never quite find because they don’t dare rock the boat, offend anyone, risk, think for themselves, leave their safety nets. If we are going to change the world and contribute as we are here to do–we must leave the “wannabee” that exists within us and around us.

My business is Inspired Leadership Training, and all of my live and virtual trainings are bold and original themselves–they “leave the hive”–and teach “inspired entrepreneurs” to do the same; to embrace fearless originality in building their businesses and, most especially, in delivering their world-changing messages.

This blog is the place where I put a spotlight on “originality” in business. Specifically, I will offer tips on and examples of original business communication that grabs the attention of the brain–is “Brain-Sticky”irresistible, memorable and one-of-a-kind. No change can ever occur–in a single office or on a global scale–unless communications with prospects, clients and peers are Brain-Sticky. 

It is my mission that Inspired Leadership Training be the home-base of a powerful, international movement of bold, original entrepreneurs revolutionizing the world. My part in their success will be to inspire, empower and encourage them to escape the wannabees, to fulfill, without reservation, the calling they have–and then succeed at it, with powerful communication that makes them wealthy and indeed evolves the human condition.

If this sounds like you–welcome! Join our “tribe”!

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