Me in Your Business
I believe strongly in consistent feedback when building your expert business, or when elements of it are being developed. Therefore, nearly everything I do has a 1-1 component–the “piano-teacher-on-the-bench-beside-you” structure. Any other way is simply ineffective. There are only two offerings of mine that do not fall under this category: 1. The Sequence Secret Audio Tour, the only information program I offer, and 2. my live events. I am comfortable offering these because they provide a solid alternative when 1-1 is not an option–or, in the case of live events, provide an optimal environment for learning. You will find that the services on this page descend from most 1-1 access with me, to least.
I also offer private audience leadership development days, where the 2 sequences for teaching to the brain, as well as the 8 accelerators, are taught and implemented. These private days are available to small groups and individuals. Please fill out contact form on the bottom of the Home Page to engage in a conversation with me about this service.