What No One’s Telling You About…

September 25, 2013 by Lizabeth Phelps


Now, let me expand on what you just saw in the video.

The fastest, and truly most unique, way to fix your business in the minds and hearts of your prospects is with a story–a story they have never quite heard before that awakens a higher potential within them.

”Those who tell the stories rule the world.”—Plato

Ancient storytelling
Nothing separates you from your “competitors” the way a one-of-a-kind story does. Nothing moves you more authentically to the status of a leader than a story you have conceived that educates. And nothing establishes you more distinctly in the minds of the market. A story will peel you away from the pack faster and more satisfyingly than any other differentiation strategy.

But this particular story we’re talking about teaches. It puts forth a premise that is yours and yours alone, grown from your expertise, unique perspective, and wisdom.

So, rather than being differentiated on such typical ho-hummers as, “great customer service,” “attention to detail,” “really listening to a clients’ needs”—or the flash-in-the-pan fads, gimmicks and “attention-grabbing-bling”–YOU are known for a fresh, provocative idea that has substance.

And as someone here to help change the world—can it really be any other way?

Your Teaching Story offers dramatic tension like any good novel, and supports a strong thesis like any good non-fiction work. Done right, it masterfully satisfies your followers’ left brains with proof and facts, engages their right, holistic brain that senses, feels and creates—and, most important, provokes a paradigm shift in their understanding.

Remember, you are, more than anything else, a transformation artist and so your story, above all, must produce change in your audiences.

So, your story takes them deep inside a world they know, then it shows them how broken it is, and suggests the origins of the problem (every story needs a villain!), and then ushers them (as any good hero does) into a new world, one they’ve never seen before, complete with an original new possibility and solution.

And that new possibility and solution? That’s your brand. What you’re known for. Your Teaching Story is your brand, presented compellingly.

No one else is telling you about this…because no one else is doing it.

Come speak to me about your business…and how your very own Teaching Story is just weeks away. Click here to read more and talk to me.

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