10 Years in Business Tip # 7–The Question to Clear Out Your Business Fears

October 13, 2011 by Lizabeth Phelps

In my special report, What I Know For Sure: Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Business, I list 75 topic areas that I have bumped into over ten years. And every day in October, I will randomly choose one of the 75 and expound on it. So here’s today’s:

Fears getting the best of you? Ask yourself,
Is this information I’m getting?” In other
words, newsworthy material I should listen
to? You’ll feel an answer. If it’s “yes,” then pay
attention. If it’s, “No. Just same old fear and
then lay it down. You only need to

attend to clear and helpful information.


This is a really important distinction. The chatter in our heads is either shi*-stirring propaganda
or it’s information with very important direction. Either/Or. The rubble-rousing kind of
monologue has no data and information in it–except, of course, that you’re doomed, are never
going to make it, are a loser now and always, Life sucks–and on and on. But when you dissect it,
you see that’s not information.

Information is defined in Webster’s as 1. “the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence.”
(What’s that tell you about your self-talk?) 2. “the knowledge obtained from investigation, study or
instruction: FACTS, DATA.”

So, as you’ve got your head in your hands, lamenting over a dismal month of sales and everything you
did wrong, ask yourself, “Is this information I’m getting?” Facts, data, knowledge or intelligence?
Or is it a bunch of fear-mongering ka-ka designed specifically to pull me down? You will find this simple
question clears away all of the cobwebs: the answer is either yes or no. If it’s information, you will not
feel great emotion anymore, just a clearing to walk through to a more effective solution. If it’s not
factual data that you can use…what are you going to do with the chatter in your head? You must
summon the self-respect to walk away from it and ask instead, “What information do I need to get me
back on the right path?”

This simple question has saved me from balancing out on many a ledge. Try it yourself!

Get all 75 tips PLUS an invitation to join me in celebrating 10 years on a free call October 10th, PLUS much more! http://inspiredleadershiptraining.com/10Years/report/

Hate to sell? In celebration of my 10th anniversary, I am reprising one of my most beloved programs. A 4-part/2-week course, Grillin’ the Gremlin: Freedom for the Sales Phobic. Learn the 7 reasons you do not sell EAGERLY or WELL. This is the LAST time you’ll ever get his program, and the ONLY time you get to work with me for peanuts. Jump on this. It’s good only until Tuesday Oct 18th! http://inspiredleadershiptraining.com/10Years/gg/


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