Determining Your Target Market: 6 Ways You’ve Probably Not Considered–Part 6

This is the final installment in this series and is most relevant for those who sell business-to-business.

#6: The size of the company will determine your market.

You will always need to get in front of decision makers, and the size of the company, business or organization whom you approach determines who that is and thus who your market is. It’s well worth your time to think this through.

If you want to target a large company, your market is HR or perhaps a top executive–and most likely, they will not be your final audience.  This awareness, then, tells you–as any target market will–how to craft your marketing communications. They will not be directed to the C-levels, managers or other employees with whom you will be directly interacting–everything will be constructed around “what’s in it for” the decision maker. [Read more…]

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