Freedom to Lead Series 7: Freedom from Visibility Paralysis

This 10-day video series honors our Independence Day here in the States–July 4; honors the determination our forefathers had to be free by looking at the freedoms entrepreneurial thought leaders must claim in order to be successful in business and in changing the world.

This seventh video gets you out of marketing stagnation by giving you an easy, smart, streamlined process to follow so you get out there and get seen!

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Determining Your Target Market: 6 Ways You’ve Probably Not Considered–Part 3

Today, we’re moving to the 3rd post in a 6-part series designed to help you determine whom you should be leading. I expect this will be enlightening and helpful to even the most successful service entrepreneurs.

 3. Who are YOU? BE your market.

Richard Branson was featured yet again in Entrepreneur Magazine, June 2012, and was quoted as saying, “All startups should be thinking, ‘What frustrates me [as a customer] and how can I make it better? It might be a small…or…a big thing, but…if they think like that, they’re likely to build a very successful business.”

The most relevant piece to our discussion is this: he spoke of the fact that he has always been his own customer. Everything he ever created, from Virgin Records to Virgin Airlines and everything in between and after, came from his own need. And he credits “being his own  customer” to his success.

This has now become a topic of conversation between me and my clients who go through my 7-session private program, The Powerhouse Method, looking to build a highly-marketable, one-of-a-kind business. The first order of business is to determine whom they will be serving. To aid in this extremely (for most) challenging act, I tell them what Branson advises: You should be your market. But the converse is equally true: your market should be you. Either who you once were, or who you are now. Do not try marketing to a group you are not. Branson never did. Help those with the same needs you had once upon a time. If you’re frustrated now by how things are being done in your field–close the gap with an innovation and then sell it to others just like you with that need.

When you are your market, and your market is you, you secure one of the most important factors of success in business: credibility. They will listen to you because you are them and have an answer relevant to them. It means you will communicate (i.e. sell) to them like no one else because you speak their language and understand them at a deep level. It means you will design “urgently wanted” programs and products that nail their needs and desires because you know them so intimately.

I have always been my market, and as a result, every one of my programs through the years has knocked it out of the park. I have also always sold quite easily (once I overcame my issues with selling), because I created content *I* would have wanted and that my market (me, in an earlier time) wants and needs.

So, in trying to decide who your market is, look no further than your own mirror.

10 Years in Business Tip #40–Speak and Profit!!

In my special report, What I Know For Sure: Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Business, I list 75 topic areas that I have bumped into over ten years. Throughout October, I will randomly choose one of the 75 and expound on it. So here’s today’s:

#40 Public speaking is truly the best, most leverageable marketing strategy for service professionals. Trust issues, resistance and skepticism melt away when we see someone in person (for the most part). Nothing else does this like being in the room with your prospects. Get out and speak!

Okay, it’s kind of laughable for me to stuff my opinion on this subject into a single blog post. :-) For those of you who don’t know me, I specialize in teaching a very cutting-edge public speaking training, and for 5 years, have been teaching entrepreneurs to “Speak Free and Profit.” (See ebook to the right of this page and archived posts to learn even more.)

So what *can* I say about this in a paragraph or two? Well, how about this:  some things never change in a wildly changing world. The internet has lulled us into believing we can connect with others through our monitors and iPhones–but the truth is, we still need to experience each other in a live setting. We still crave the connection that is born out of face-to-face, in-person communication. It is not dead, any more than the delicious joy of holding a book in our hands and reading from paper pages is dead. Communing with others live is a delicious joy, too, and as entrepreneurs dedicated to effecting change, we must elevate speaking to the top of our marketing to-do list because it is our job to do what works. Getting people in the room to influence them to act on our world-changing idea, or to purchase something, is just plain being business smart. MUCH smarter than sitting around, waiting for dollars to come out of our Facebook pages.

Speaking is far more “Brain-Sticky” than any other kind of marketing, period. When you speak to a room of people, you have an unprecedented opportunity to remove resistance and doubt and replace it with powerful and long-lasting (if you know what you’re doing) trust and affinity. If you’re a keen observer of human dynamics, you know that an energetic circuit evolves in a room, and a master knows how to use that energy to lift the room to heights of inspiration, hope and empowerment–driving action-and once that has occurred, you have a dozen or thousand new fans who will want more of that experience…in you.

You can’t create this kind of circuit anywhere else. As such a master of live event energy, I’ve tried! You need to get them in the room with you. And they want to be there still, though it’s a tougher task to get them there than it used to be. But as humans, they want to feel the electricity that occurs in the presence of like-minded cohorts, and they want to see you up close and personal.

I always say, “Inspiration sells.” But inspiration gets transmitted best through the energy of live human beings, looking in each other’s eyes, touching each other’s arms, hearing each other’s laughs…and watching you in your grand sincerity and brilliance. Public speaking is, hands down, the most leveragable of all marketing strategies ever conceived. Some things just never change.

Get all 75 tips PLUS much more here!

And watch for the TOP 10 to be revealed on Halloween…and for great specials to be announced Friday on my birthday!!



10 Years in Business Tip #37–How to Deal with Email Unsubscribes

In my special report, What I Know For Sure: Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Business, I list 75 topic areas that I have bumped into over ten years. And every day in October, I will randomly choose one of the 75 and expound on it. So here’s today’s:

Unsubscribes. They tend to bring a little pang of
insecurity to every business owner but those
with the thickest skin. TIP: Write them from
your private email as soon as the unsubscribe
message pops up. Tell them you’re sorry to see
them go and ask them to tell you why. I’ve saved
2 recently just by doing that; they got right back on

There isn’t much more to say about this except to impress upon you that doing it
is worthwhile.
I always send back an email when I get an unsubscribe message
with the subject line, “Sorry to see you go, name!” It gives me a chance to thank
them for signing up in the first place and to get some information. Just the other
day, a woman unsubscribed when I sent out an email pertaining to my 10th year
anniversary. Since the subjects I’m dealing with for this anniversary are not my
areas of specialty, I felt it was important for her to know precisely what I do before
she goes. Nice and concisely. Here’s what I sent her, after the subject line I mentioned

Before you go for good, I wanted to be clear that today’s email was a little off-topic
for me and that may be why you unsubcribed. For October, I’m “cleaning the closet.”

So, I wanted to be sure you knew precisely what I do and why you got on my list
in the first place: I build businesses for visionary entrepreneurs based on a single,
unique “powerhouse” message…which then gives rise to the suite of products and
programs that build their business empire–which includes their one-of-a-kind
money-maker, their Signature Program. I help them sell that program with Brain-
Sticky marketing–and, of course, I help them deliver it
with unparalleled power
and impact with my public speaking program.

Hope to see you back again one day!

She didn’t come back, but she wrote me back to assure me that this wasn’t
personal (smile)–and to tell me the reason: which was that she is inundated
with emails. I wrote her again one last time to say thank you and now she is
left with a different impression of me and my work than she had from the
email from which she’d unsubscribed.

So, the next one you get–do the same thing. Write them back to thank them
for signing up in the first place; to ask if you can help with anything one last
time; to share what it is you do; or to ask for feedback. Again, you may not
get them back (but then again, you may)–but it’s all about customer relation-
ship and leaving a positive final impression.

Get all 75 tips PLUS an invitation to join me in celebrating 10 years on a free call October 10th, PLUS much more!

Hate to sell? In celebration of my 10th anniversary, I am reprising one of my most beloved programs. A 4-part/2-week course, Grillin’ the Gremlin: Freedom for the Sales Phobic. Learn the 7 reasons you do not sell EAGERLY or WELL. This is the LAST time you’ll ever get his program, and the ONLY time you get to work with me for peanuts. Jump on this. It’s good only until Tuesday Oct 18th!


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