Introduction of New Ebook: Why Being Invisible In Business Hurts Your *Psyche*

Here is the next excerpt from “One of a Kind: The Powerhouse Strategy for Standing Out and Leading the Way with Your Business.” I’m releasing the ebook next week on an inteview call I’m doing with Therese Skelly. Definitely get on that here so you can hear me share with her how to get a truly one-of-a-kind business identity!


If you are on this planet to serve the people on it through your business, you must succeed. You were not graced with the calling, talent and skill that you have just to fade into the background, unrecognized.

Yet, as you’ve heard countless times, talent and skill do not equate to business success. So many follow their passions only to end up sharing the very best of themselves with only a tiny circle of friends and family. They end up giving up and packing up because they cannot support themselves.

But then something far, far, far worse ensues. They end up living a life “unused.”

“This is the true joy in life: the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature…I want to be thoroughly used up when I die…” –-George Bernard Shaw

To be used up, I believe, is what every one of us wants. Not being so may be the only cause of our depression, the only thing that truly ages us.

You must be thoroughly used up when you die. And if your purpose is linked to your business, you must get your business right. But so many don’t take the time to understand all that is involved. This book isn’t designed to give an overview of all of the elements essential in building a successful business—there are plenty of those out there. This book is here to impress upon you one single thing:if you are not different in the marketplace, you will die with your song still in you.

The pain of blending in is a primal one, and will affect you on deep levels.

How does it feel when you get a blank stare or a look of confusion when you talk about your business? Or when only a few people sign up for your tele-call or seminar? How does it feel when people unsubscribe, or you go days and weeks without a single opt-in? What happens in you when, one after another, prospects slip out of your net?

I’ve seen it. A part of you is thrust back to high school, to the popular guy who never so much as sent you a glance; to the day you were passed over for the team; to all the parties where you hung back against the wall, unnoticed…and to all the times since, when friends, colleagues and even your own family haven’t recognized your value.


When your business isn’t special, it’s much too easy to start to think that you aren’t, and your confidence suffers a mighty blow that can too often be fatal to your business and your mission.

There is nothing more painful than not being worthy of someone’s attention. And in business, nothing more deadly than not being worthy of someone’s money.

When you can fill in this sentence, everything will change for you: “My business is the only one you will ever find that ____.”

When you can master this, the pain you’ve felt every time a prospect has rejected you will be replaced by a confidence that surpasses all understanding.

Being the “only one”–not just in your field, but period–is the game-changer.

Being “the only one who____” changes you from the inside out.

It heals the primal pain of going unseen.

It removes the pain of not fulfilling your life’s mission.

It assures you that you will be “used up.”

And it is the answer to most of your business problems:

  • Your vague and fuzzy articulation about what you do
  • Disinterested prospects in your 1-to-1 sales conversations
  • Poor attendance on tele-calls and other speaking events
  • The uphill battle to get clients
  • Low opt-ins on your website

Being provocatively unlike everyone else is the direct route to making money and to bending ears so that you change the world (which you’re here to do, by the way.)

So decide right now that you will put your attention on this. Very few other business efforts will matter if this isn’t right. To thrive–in business and in your own heart–you cannot spend one more minute in oblivion.

You would think this was obvious, but just take a look around at most service-based businesses: you could line them up and not one would stand out. You may notice shades of differences here and there, but overall, nothing would raise your brow in intrigue. Almost instantly, your brain would check out.

Why is this?

The Establishment

I can’t speak definitively, of course, but  after ten years of experience, I believe one answer is that there isn’t a clear enough definition of “what is different enough,” and so service entrepreneurs delude themselves into thinking they’re somehow making the grade….

You can read the rest next week when the book will be available.  Do listen in to my call with Therese, too, on May 5th. We’re bestest friends and it’s going to be a great interview! Check it out here.

10 Years in Business–Tip #62: Are You Building Your Business Around Your Favorite Style?

In my special report, What I Know For Sure: Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Business, I list 75 topic areas that I have bumped into over ten years. And every day in October, I will randomly choose one of the 75 and expound on it. So here’s today’s:

TIP #62 It is essential that you build your business model around how you want to spend your days. You’re working for yourself, not for someone else! You don’t have to be miserable. Do your work the way you like to do it. Be in front of the computer, if that’s how you like to spend your days. Be on the phone, coaching. Get out and teach and speak. Write. But spend it the way you want to spend it.

This is another one of those tips that can be glossed over because you think you are spending your day doing what you love. You love your niche and you love your target market. But are you spending the hours in the processes you love the most? Or are you spending them the way you’ve been told you “should”?

At some point, you need to take stock: are you coaching when you should really just be writing because that’s what you love and it’s where you want your future to go? (A past client of mine just had this aha-moment recently). Are you giving seminars to groups when you really just want to do one-on-one consulting or coaching? Are you giving keynotes, when you really want to be creating changes, which means more time with your audiences than keynotes ever provide? Are you coaching when deep-down you know you’re a teacher? Are you poring over the internet to get clients–engaging with social media–when you really need to be in-person with people?

Are you making choices out of a presumption of what you should do, rather than what you love to do?
It is essential that you build your business, (which means your days) around your favorite things to do.

I’m celebrating 10 years in business all through October with these blog posts, a party/call on Monday, October 10th–and special invitations to take my programs and get my products at deep discounts. Today’s offer: work with me privately. This RARELY happens. Go see the 3 business-building options I’m offering here.

Session 4 of 8 with 2 Financial Coaches: The Signature Program!

In the last session of this 8-session consultation where I
help two financial coaches Get Clients With a Signature
Program that Sells AND Transforms
, I saw what M&M’s
“brand concept”
could be—a teaching point that would
differentiate them from every other financial coach (and
everyone period, actually). It was a 3-phase ineffective
communication cycle that was the root cause of financial
for couples who’d been married over eight years.

In this 4th session, we dive very deeply into their signature
seminar event. In fact, I create, point-by-point, M&M’s entire
90-minute portal seminar, using the “Transformation Arc,”
where the couples experience the “ick” they’ve been wading
through for years—an essential part of transformation. We
entitle the program, Feast or Famine: Breaking a Couple’s
Secret Cycle of Financial Breakdown.

In this session, I teach M&M the transformational coaching
I used to use with my clients when I was a personal
growth coach to shift them immediately from one fixed way
of thinking to a completely new, empowered one. This, of
course, is necessary for couples who have been cycling
through these 3 phases of ineffective communication: they
have been rooted in one way of thinking—for instance, the
thought that my spouse will kill me if tell him I just spent
$900 on the kids’ clothes—and must move into another one
that is just as true, but far healthier for the family and their
financial future.

So, in this transformational seminar, not only do M&M teach
the couples what the 3-phase communication cycle is–
creating an awareness they will never be able to forget– but
also how to get out of it, by using this coaching tool to instantly
“boot” them into new beliefs about communicating with
their spouse.

Once the couple moves through this transformation tool,
they can never go back to the Feast or Famine Communi-
cation Cycle. They’ve been changed forever. Armed
now with tools for changing how they communicate, their
couples are ready to look at the next cause of their financial
struggles: budgeting and reducing debt.

Believe it or not, we accomplish the design of their program
quite quickly in this session (I’ve had tons of experience!)
and move on to some very practical issues, namely how to
repurpose” the teaching concept in this portal
. “This teaching should be in everything you do,”
I tell M&M. Breaking the Secret Cycle of Financial Breakdown
should be the topic of their opt-in report, what their YouTube
videos, ebook, articles, blog posts—all of their marketing and
promotional material—should focus on. This is why I call it a
“brand concept.” And we spend some time detailing what those
items will be.

So what about you? Do you have a single, powerful
teaching concept
that could become your brand? Have you
given thought to your signature program—and what the root
cause of your market’s main problem is?

Remember, next Tuesday, October 19th, you can
eavesdrop-in on all of these sessions when I release
the 8-Session CD set. Hear every juicy detail!

Does Your Business Have a Thesis?

So, one of the twelve sentences that we craft in my upcoming
“12 Sentences: The Ultimate Business Creation and
Articulation Course”
is a “business thesis.”

Remember theses from college? Here’s a definition: A single
declarative sentence that states what you believe,
where you stand on an issue, and what you intend
to prove.

Below, you will find the exact excerpt from the chapter
on “business thesis”
in the potent “9 Strategic Inquiries
Manual” that comes with the “12 Sentences” course.  It is
chapter 8 because there is no way to arrive at a business thesis
before having gone through all previous 7 chapters. Not a
sales-pitch; just the truth.

Excerpt from “9 Strategic Inquiries Manual”: Chapter 8

Every business has a statement of why their product or service
is needed–but virtually none realizes it is a thesis–and it is
important to recognize that. Furthermore, because their
speaking about their business is so unconscious, they don’t
understand the power of a thesis statement: that there should
be just one per business, and that that entire business must
stand solidly on that foundational statement.

Rather, they hop tactically from one value-statement to another,
unaware that they’re even using such a statement. So, you want
to bring the entire concept of your business argument into
conscious awareness.

This strategic thinking will ensure that your articulation is laser-
sharp. Just as important, knowing your thesis statement clearly
ensures that what you say when you speak about your business’s
value “holds water”–all the leaky holes of skepticism have been
sealed and your prospects are convinced of your contention.

In my analysis, lack of sales happens primarily because of a
poorly constructed argument.
Your prospect says, “But what
about this or that?” They have not been persuaded that your
reason for being valuable is valid. In this chapter, we’re going
to begin to get it right–and this is one of the 12 sentences, so
with the work to come on those, and my editing, you’re argument
will not have holes

From Indiana University’s Writing Tutorial Services:

How to Tell a Strong Thesis Statement from a Weak One:

1. A strong thesis statement takes some sort of stand.
2. A strong thesis statement justifies discussion.
3. A strong thesis statement expresses one main idea.
4. A strong thesis statement is specific.
5. A strong thesis statement is supported and convinces the reader of the argument.
These five points correlate precisely to a “business thesis,” as
well, which takes a stand. It justifies discussion–i.e. is
thought-provoking enough to get a prospect’s attention so
they inquire further. It expresses one main idea–so prospects
understand clearly what a business does.  And a business thesis
is specific, capturing the attention of a prospect’s brain, and also
lends immediate credibility because it indicates that thoughtful
investigation has taken place n the topic.

Which leads to the most important element of a thesis argument:
it is supported somehow, making it as close to irrefutable as
conceivably possible. No one can poke holes in it. When a
prospect can poke holes in the stand you’re taking,
they’re going to walk away

You must close all the doors so they’re left saying, “You’re
right.” Only when you’ve proven your case will you get clients.

You’ve heard the expression, “I don’t buy it.” It’s used when
someone doesn’t believe a position that someone’s taken. In
the case of your business, those words are literally true!

So, prove your case by offering supporting evidence, or by making
a point that is naturally irrefutable, such as, “As a human, you need
to ingest some form of nutrition every day.” Irrefutable.

So, the thought for the day is this: A poorly constructed “business
thesis” will result in lack of sales.

I don’t know anyone else teaching this–or any other aspect of this
course, for that matter. So, if you want to get your business thesis
“hole-proof,” I hope you will get on one of the free calls I’m giving
this week and next.

I’ll share the mistakes you’re making when articulating about your
business + you’ll learn specifics about this Masters-Degree-level
course, “12 Sentences,” and how it will completely alter your
business and its sales + you will get exercises only students of
that course ever experience + receive an incredibly inexpensive

To read more and register, click here.

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