A Story Takes on the Stigma of Entrepreneurial Failure


When my daughter was in public school, she struggled with tests–which was a constant source of pain for her. I continually pointed out to her that she could not give her power away to a system that made up arbitrary rules about intelligence—and, that had, indeed, little intelligence itself. But this never penetrated. The stigma around failing is so effectively baked into our culture’s nervous system that it has not been rooted out of her.

I venture to say that goes for the rest of us, as well.

Last fall, I read multiple books by Silicon Valley stars. I wanted to see how, as I think of it, the “other continent of entrepreneurs” is raised. (Our continent being the one of internet marketing and coaching/consulting.)

The philosophy prevalent in Silicon Valley affected me. I’m sure you know their motto–which has been criticized, but that nevertheless has inarguable wisdom in it: Fail fast, fail often, fail forward.

They are—if not always succeeding, at the least attempting to create a culture where shame of failure is replaced by pride in failure. It is encouraged! Why? Because their position is that those who fail to do something bold will one day succeed at doing something bold.

At the end of this reading marathon, (The Lean StartUp by Eric Ries; Getting to Plan B by John Mullins and Randy Komisar; Bold by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler; Zero to One by Peter Thiel), I emerged from the waters that tech entrepreneurs swim in every day…healed in some way. They have constructed an alternative universe with new rules work that work for them (as far as I can know, as an outsider)—and that can work for us all.

It is not a Silicon Valley philosophy. It is universal wisdom. They have simply been bold enough to put it into practice.

If they can do it, we, too, can remove ourselves from the childish system in which we’ve been raised, which demonizes mistakes, and reach instead for a reality based on a truer paradigm that has space and enthusiasm for failure.

With those books metabolized within me, many tributaries began to converge. I thought of all of the clients who come to me, tattered and worn because the system told them what to do to succeed, but still, they struggle. And worse than any financial concerns they have, they carry shame over the failures because, according to the system, success is easy. They’re left with no other perception but that something is wrong with them that it has not been.

I was delighted to see Eric Ries put a name to this nefarious system, calling it the “mythmaking industry”—and I was surprised to find that Silicon Valley has it, too. But, oh, how pervasive it is in the coaching/ consulting/internet marketing industry! Every day the vulnerable become prey to their puffed-up claims.

And that’s when an idea for a fable-novella was born whose central theme would be about the stigma of failure and its twin, shame—and whose key solution to business struggle would be its banishment, tapping into some of what Silicon Valley teaches, as well as much that I do.

wolfleavesthepackOver the next six months, the story unfolded of a lone wolf named Wolf, who leaves The Pack and Status Quo County to make a dent in the universe. It is a classic hero’s journey of trials and tests, fear and second-guessing; wisdom and triumph over the enemy—and the final “return,” where transformation is realized and shared with others.

I wrote The Tale of Wolf, His Snake Oil and a Skunk specifically for our “continent of entrepreneurs,” who are prey to our particular mentoring industry and too often do not achieve its promises. Who have a great idea, but discover it doesn’t “just sell itself”; who have more passion than there are stars, but the money does not follow. Who work hard yet still struggle. And worst of all, who never give up. (The story explains why that is the worst myth of them all.)

I also wrote this for my daughter, whose world-view I seek to shatter every time I text her, “How did you fail today?” Then, congratulate her heartily for whatever her response.

And I wrote it for myself because I am much too hard on myself for even the slightest so-called failure. Among having other missions, I want to help create a new world where failure is exalted because it is the sign of daring heart and mind, and where shame is vanquished by a new strength of Self. This is when we will know we live in a society of true strength.

It begins with Wolf, His Snake Oil and a Skunk, which will be available soon—in a very unique form. Stay tuned for more details!


Freedom to Lead Series 9: Freedom to Rise

(Sigh. YouTube clearly scans a video and chooses the worst placeholder it possibly can.)

This 10-day video series honors our Independence Day here in the States–July 4; honors the determination our forefathers had to be free by looking at the freedoms entrepreneurial thought leaders must claim in order to be successful in business and in changing the world.

In this next-to-last 9th video, we look at one word that will give you everything you need to rise to the top and far above the crowd.


Freedom to Lead Series 6: Freedom from Failure

This 10-day video series honors our Independence Day here in the States–July 4; honors the determination our forefathers had to be free by looking at the freedoms entrepreneurial thought leaders must claim in order to be successful in business and in changing the world.

In this sixth video, we look at failure and the formula truly successful entrepreneurs use to ward off its crushing defeat. What do you do most often? Crash or correct? 

 [youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrYdIcqNeSw[/youtube]

Freedom to Lead Series 4: Freedom from Identity Confusion

This 10-day video series honors our Independence Day here in the States–July 4; honors the determination our forefathers had to be free by looking at the freedoms entrepreneurial thought leaders must claim in order to be successful in business and in changing the world. 

In this fourth video, we look at the limitation of putting too much out in the marketplace and the freedom of having a *single* business identity!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9VABB2FJBM&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]

Freedom to Lead Series 3: Freedom from Others’ Opinions

This 10-day video series honors Independence Day in the States-July 4th–and the determination our forefathers had to be free–by looking at the freedoms entrepreneurial Thought Leaders must claim in order to be successful in business and in changing the world.

In this third video–honoring my daughter’s graduation from high school today–we look I the freedom I would most want for *her* (and you, too) : how to be free from our critics. 

[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0tgwQWhSeQ&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]

Determining Your Target Market: 6 Ways You’ve Probably Not Considered–Part 5

# 5: Your 4 Business Roles

As a service-based business owner, there are 4 roles you will likely play in your career. But only one is where you want to spend most of your time. One is the best option given your mission. One is the best option given ethical behavior toward your clients. And it is very important to build your business so that you are utilizing the best role in your Signature Program—the program that is central to your entire business. Since your Signature Program will be populated by a certain target market, it stands to reason that you need to know which of these roles you’re playing in that program so you can determine who should be “in the room.” [Read more…]

10 Years in Business–Tip #62: Are You Building Your Business Around Your Favorite Style?

In my special report, What I Know For Sure: Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Business, I list 75 topic areas that I have bumped into over ten years. And every day in October, I will randomly choose one of the 75 and expound on it. So here’s today’s:

TIP #62 It is essential that you build your business model around how you want to spend your days. You’re working for yourself, not for someone else! You don’t have to be miserable. Do your work the way you like to do it. Be in front of the computer, if that’s how you like to spend your days. Be on the phone, coaching. Get out and teach and speak. Write. But spend it the way you want to spend it.

This is another one of those tips that can be glossed over because you think you are spending your day doing what you love. You love your niche and you love your target market. But are you spending the hours in the processes you love the most? Or are you spending them the way you’ve been told you “should”?

At some point, you need to take stock: are you coaching when you should really just be writing because that’s what you love and it’s where you want your future to go? (A past client of mine just had this aha-moment recently). Are you giving seminars to groups when you really just want to do one-on-one consulting or coaching? Are you giving keynotes, when you really want to be creating changes, which means more time with your audiences than keynotes ever provide? Are you coaching when deep-down you know you’re a teacher? Are you poring over the internet to get clients–engaging with social media–when you really need to be in-person with people?

Are you making choices out of a presumption of what you should do, rather than what you love to do?
It is essential that you build your business, (which means your days) around your favorite things to do.

I’m celebrating 10 years in business all through October with these blog posts, a party/call on Monday, October 10th–and special invitations to take my programs and get my products at deep discounts. Today’s offer: work with me privately. This RARELY happens. Go see the 3 business-building options I’m offering here.

#7/8 Session with 2 Financial Coaches Today: Selling from Stage!

In this 7th session, we tear the lid off the definition of consulting!
I give Mike and Mari an all-out script of their signature program.
I tell them exactly what to say to move their couples into the all-
important “ick” (remember the Transformation Arc?) that will
allow their audience to make a shift right in the room. And I give
them exact words to say to teach their “Brand Concept”—the
secret communication cycle.

We strip away all vestiges of Old Paradigm didactic teaching styles
—like speaking with lots of “periods” instead of mostly question
marks; telling far too much–and dive into ways to fully and
consistently engage the audience and gain their rapt attention in
the “New Paradigm.” For instance, the “ick.” One of the M’s gives
me his plan for disseminating the information about the cycle—
and I tell him, “You’re giving the punch-line away. There will be
no learning if you tell them what the cycle is without their first
experiencing it for themselves. They need to have a breakthrough
before they’re given a solution.”  That is just one of tons of insider
secrets I give them on delivering this new material powerfully.

Then, we delve into their offer-from-stage—how they’re going
to share their next paid program with the audience at the end of
the free seminar. M, who will be presenting, is concerned about
looking “sales-y,” though he knows selling is a necessary part of
the process. I help him to see that, in truth, with no manipulation
or “spin,” they are actually giving their audience a gift. M&M
want to invite them to a 1-day event that will reinforce the new
communication techniques the couples have just learned, but
also get them learning the hard-core tools of repairing their
financial situation.  For this “older and wiser” couple to offer
this at a special “at-seminar” price is a gift for these younger,
direction-less couples.

To help M&M see this, I take them through another psychological
exercise for determining the VALUE of their program—so they see
that whatever price they offer for this 1-day is a steal…because
the seminar is so immensely valuable. Too many people “price” the
wrong way; they start with a price they believe the market can bear,
instead of starting with the value their market will get from their
expertise.  So, we do this together: enumerate all that the young
couples will be saved from by attending this full-day program.
There is a lot of juicy information about selling and pricing in the
last quarter of this session.

And today you can hear it all! Today this 8-CD set goes on sale!
I’m so excited. Be sure to watch Video #2 here now and go get
your copy!

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