The Sacred Walk: From Habit to Purpose

Today, a favorite client finished The Powerhouse Method™, my 7-session private program that develops one-of-a-kind business identities (and hers rocks!). For a series of reasons, she is unable to continue with me now, so I asked her a laser “completion” question that is relevant to anyone embarking on a new business venture.

“What is the single thing you could do to derail this initiative?” (It is actually a “movement” that she is starting.) She thought a moment and replied, “Believing that I’m not equipped, that I can’t pull it off.”

I said, “What does it take to ‘pull it off’?” She rattled off at least five or six attributes and character traits of someone who would succeed at building a movement. I then asked, “And in which of those do you have the least trust in yourself?” She knew right away: “Organized daily commitment. I get side-tracked so easily and am always learning and searching and telling myself that ‘somehow I can use this.’ But what I need to do is be really focused only on the daily tasks that will directly get me where I want to go.”

So, I asked her to make a commitment—and to only speak it if she meant it. She paused and then stated that she would work a designated number of hours per day and that all of those hours would focus only on the blueprint we had laid out for her to follow over the next three months.

Then I asked, “How will you celebrate yourself for successfully doing that each day?” She gave some typically-human weak answer like, “Just immersing myself in this movement will be celebration enough.” I said, “Nope. You have to celebrate that you have mastered a new habit for the day.” And I suggested that she put some money in a jar every day, from $2-5 dollars, and then to “cash it in”–in 2 weeks at first, then 4 weeks—on some treat: a lunch out for herself; a manicure; a round of lattes with some friends. She loved that idea and committed to doing it.

And finally, I asked her, Why are you going to implement this new habit–i.e. work these very targeted hours each day?” And she said some powerful things like, “Because I cannot die with this in me. It is my life’s purpose and now that I have it, I’m not giving it up,” and, “Because it will totally make my life big to do this.” I then encouraged her to think of her market—those who will comprise the movement. “Why are you doing it for them?” And she said, “Because they will be totally expanded–completely changed forever. And so will the rest of the planet.”

I underscored her potent words by saying, “Your doing this every day, then, is a sacred walk to your purpose and to their transformation. ”

She was silent for a while and then gruffly said, “You totally got me with that, Lizabeth. It is absolutely a sacred walk.”

“So,” I summarized, “what you could do to derail this, since I won’t be there to keep you on track—believing you can’t pull it off–will be summarily extinguished with measurable habits, celebrations of those habits every day, and the daily recognition that doing this work is a sacred walk that will change, one day, millions of lives.”

This was a potent few minutes I took her through–and so I encourage you, reader, to go through a similar process:

In whatever it is you are intending: what could you do to derail it?

Answer quickly. Now.

Ask yourself, “What does it take to _______?” or “What does it take not to ______”? [For instance, you may have answered that to achieve what you want would take “not being attached to the outcome.” So, what does it take to not be attached to the outcome?]

In which of your answers do you have the least trust in yourself? Choose just one.

Make a commitment about it. But only  make it if you’re going to mean it.

How will you celebrate your habit of keeping that commitment each day?

Why will you keep it? Why for yourself? Why for your market?

Do you see that it is a sacred walk to all that you are here for and all that your market can become?

If so, hold your new habit as a sacred act every single moment.

If not, contact me. 🙂

10 Years in Business–Tip # 19: What Am I the BEST in the World At?

In my special report, What I Know For Sure: Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Business, I list 75 topic areas that I have bumped into over ten years. And every day in October, I will randomly choose one of the 75 and expound on it. So here’s today’s:

Set out to answer the question,
“What can I be the BEST in the
world at?”
It may take years to
find the answer, but seek it, and
know that it must be answered
one day, so watch yourself and
ask your clients often, “What do
I do best in the world?” The
question is not, “Of all of my
skills, what am I best at doing?”

It’s what are you the best in the
world at. Period.

I was on a telecall a couple of years ago led by an older business man whom I respected–
though I’m embarrassed to say I don’t remember who it was. But he said that on his desk
he had a question: “What can I be the BEST in the world at?” And he admitted that he was
still valiantly trying to answer it. So, I adopted the idea and put the question on my desk,
believing that I *would* answer it. It, like all things that our physical senses experience
routinely, disappeared into the woodwork most days–but every so often, my Reticular
Activating System would have me catch sight of it again and I’d ponder the possibility:
What can I be the BEST in the world at?

Be assured that it’s a game-changer to know you can go toe-to-toe with the best in your
field and give either as good a performance or, more likely, a better one. Suddenly,
with this realization, your stock just took a quantum leap. You know you deserve, can,
and must command top-dollar for what you do–assuming, of course, that it is wanted.
As the best leaf-presser in the world, you may have a tough time with that. But if what
you’re “the best at” is valuable to the marketplace, you’ve just written your golden ticket.

Steve Jobs knew he was the best in the world at
innovation and made no qualms about boasting
so publicly. Writers Lev Grossman and Harry
McCracken wrote in Time Magazine’s October 17,
2001 issue: “Jobs dubbed the $2,495 Mac ‘insanely
great,’ a bit of self-praise that became forever
associated with him and Apple.” He didn’t listen
to his customers or his employees: he knew the
brilliance of his own mind and knew that to succeed,
he and everyone at Apple would do best listening to
it without reservation. They did–and the world was

On the one hand, you don’t have to broadcast to the world that you’re the best; one can
be more humble about it. But there’s also something very compelling about an expert
who asserts with conviction that he can do something no one else can. Humans aspire
to self-actualization, after all; we are fascinated by the evidence before us of one who
has reached it–at least on one  level.

Just the other day at my public speaking training, I said, for the first time, with clear
eyes and cellular certainty that I am the best in the world at extracting the message
an entrepreneur has been born to shareand that will change the world and
build a business empire. I would never compare myself to Steve Jobs, but I said it
with the same kind of knowing he had that no one can do what I do better. It was true.
It was simple. It was real. And so I said it. And I went on to let them know that come
2012, my stock price would be very different. It wasn’t a ploy or a manipulation. It
was just the truth–take it or leave it. It had impact.

Knowing what you’re the best in the world at is a game-changer. As I said
above, the question is not, “Of all that I do, which skill am I the best at?” It’s What am
I the best
in the world at?

I suggest you write the question out and look at it every day–as that business man has
done, and as I did (and still do). Your subconscious will work on it, and one day, if you
want it enough, if you believe in yourself enough, the answer will come. And it will be
brand new day.

Get all 75 tips PLUS an invitation to join me in celebrating 10 years on a free
call October 17th, PLUS much more!

Hate to sell? In celebration of my 10th anniversary, I am reprising one of my most beloved programs. A 4-part/2-week course, Grillin’ the Gremlin: Freedom for the Sales Phobic. Learn the 7 reasons you do not sell EAGERLY or WELL. This is the LAST time you’ll ever get his program, and the ONLY time you get to work with me for peanuts. Jump on this. It’s good only until Tuesday Oct 18th!


The Final Corral: The Secret to Being an Inspirational Speaker

There are those who speak with an academic purpose. They
have information that needs to be conveyed.

There are those whose purpose in speaking is to get a result.
A process must be implemented; a change in behavior needs
to occur.

There are those who speak to present a revolutionary idea.
TED talks are famous for this.

And there are those whose purpose is to produce all three.
But without this single element, they’re not likely to succeed
at any of them: Inspiration.

What is inspiration? A dictionary definition is, “Stimulation
of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.”

I would remove both uses of the word “or.” One is not
inspired if the emotions are not stimulated. So, to convey
information; to get a result; and to present a revolutionary
idea, the audience must feel. And there’s no point in
inspiring if there is no new activity.

So, as the leader of the room, it is essential that you feel.
How do you evoke emotion in yourself around your topic?

Ask yourself, What is the most influential, far-reaching
impact this topic can have?

If you are not getting there, you will not feel the emotion
that, in turn, inspires.

I was working with a successful, international speaker last
week on a new topic. We were circling around the one he
has been giving for years. But as I listened to him,  I knew
it wasn’t engaging him as it should. I knew it wasn’t deep
enough. And I knew that was because it wasn’t addressing
the farthest-reaching impact this speaker could produce. I
asked him, “What final corral are you herding your audience
” (By no means did I mean that to be derogatory; it was
simply a visual device I knew would get at the answer that I

I wanted him to see that his current topic had a deeper end-
than what he has been sharing. There is an ultimate
corral for them that he has not been moving them into. His
current topic was causing him lethargy because he was only
“herding” them into an intermediary corral; it was only going
so-far…but he didn’t realize that was a problem of any kind.
He didn’t know there was corral beyond! It took our session
for him to see that he wasn’t going far enough.

His topic has been on diversity. I asked him, “What is ultimately
possible if a corporate team accepts one another’s differences?

He said, essentially, that they would be able to “do more as a
group.” I won’t say more about what we came to, as it is now
turning into a proprietary signature talk for him–but what he
saw was that he was stopping too short in the process and as
a result, was not speaking about a topic that was his truest
calling, his truest purpose
. As a result, it was causing him to
be stopped short in his passion. He saw that he needed to design
a talk about the “final corral”: the potential of a group.

His voicemail the next day made me laugh: “Guru, Lizabeth!
Master, Expert, Brain-Sticky, Inspired Leader, awesome
Lizabeth! This is one of your most devoted fans. Thank you for
drilling down to what I am SOO passionate about, that I didn’t
even realize was there!”

In order to “stimulate the mind and emotions to a high level
of feeling and activity”
—you must do the same for yourself
first. And that will come only when you are speaking about
the “final corral.” It may be very true that you, like my client,
are stopping too short, and short-changing your audience and
the results you could get.

As an Inspired Leader, it’s time to come into your own, and
drill down to your core-most purpose for being on a stage.
Ask yourself, What is the most influential, far-reaching
impact this topic can have?

Be sure to join me on my free 90-minute telecourse next
Monday: Secrets of Impact and Influence: The New Paradigm
of Public Speaking. It’s not your typical free teleclass!

The Critical Sequence Missing From Your Presentations


Do You Dare to Lead?

In some circles, I say that I am in the business of communication–
but the bigger truth is that I’m in the business of developing leaders
of change
, who, of course, must communicate with extraordinary
skill. Throughout most of history, leaders of change were confined
to the political, academic, religious and corporate stages. In fact, for
thousands of years, all power resided in these arenas, and the “little
person” had virtually no voice.

But as we see these industries crumbling, we are witnessing an historic
“changing of the guard,” as power moves back to the people. Daily,
leaders of change are leaping onto their own make-shift stages,
right there in the middle of a crowd. We have seen this phenomenon
spike dramatically in just three or four years, as YouTube, Amazon,
Facebook and iTunes stage new leaders every day. It doesn’t matter
their age, race, education or economic standing, new voices are rising
to the fore almost by the minute—confident, compelling and effective.
We can expect this sensation to reach a tipping point very soon, as
more and more people claim their power, their “internal authority,”
and lead us all in planetary change.

If you are such a visionary, congratulations. You’ve cleared the highest
hurdle of all: the concern that you are too insignificant to lead, too small
to effect change. Something became more important than your fear and
allowed you to sail over those obstacles.

If you have been hanging back, now is the time to do the same. Now is
the time to recognize that you came here to take the innate, hard-earned
wisdom and knowledge within you and heal others. You are a leader of

But listen: that role carries on its shoulders nothing less than our
collective future. The responsibility is great. But you were born for
the job, so that won’t trip you up. But here’s what might: your need
for approval is greater than your intent for change.
When you
could push the envelope, ruffle feathers, rock the boat, risk criticism
by doing things differently and leading “out of the box”—you will
instead stay safe within it. But unchanged  …and changing nothing.

You do not have time or the luxury any more to ask yourself, am I
a leader
? You are! The question is, do I dare to lead? Or is it more
important for me to follow…the tastes, preferences and safety zones
of others so they admire me? Not for my brilliance, but for keeping
them comfortable?

For the “New Paradigm,” Inspired Leader, the profound, inner
passion to effect change, to impact the future, is greater than the
need for approval. Indeed, the New Paradigm, Inspired Leader turns
away from all external authority and acts from his inner authority,
a power-center of certainty, self-trust and conviction that by its very
definition pulls him to think what others fear to think, do what others
fear to do and go where others fear to go.

The New Paradigm, Inspired Leader follows nothing but her
own truth, no matter how unpopular it may be–because she knows
what engenders change. And change is what matters. She is in
service to others; that’s what matters. She will do what must be done
to serve effectively, with power, impact and integrity.

The world is waiting for you; the stage is lit and ready. It’s time for
you to step up and raise your voice. The question is not anymore, am I
a leader
? The question is, do I dare to lead, and make some uncomfortable?
Is my intent for change greater than my need for approval?

If so, the mic is on. Go give ‘em your best shot.


If you dare move into the New Paradigm of Inspired Leadership…
one step may be the free Virtual Visionaries call Wednesday May 18.
You may sign up for that here. Another will most definitely be
Secrets of Impact & Influence: The 2-Day Event
, coming
to New Jersey, Sept. 23 and 24th. Watch for details!

The 3 “Passion-Making” Questions for All Speakers!

Are you an introvert, quiet type, and think you can’t bring my level of passion to your “presentations”? Watch this and tell me that to my face. 🙂


Why Speakers Need to Understand This Brain Cell


As the socially-dominant person in your live events (or teleclass, or meeting, or home), you have immense power…because you activate this neuron in the members of your audience, good or bad. Here’s a question for you:  what do you think has *more* power: YOU or that neuron in the person in the front row?

When you’re done watching me, watch this!

How to Create PEAK Energy in Your Live Events


In the previous video (see last post), I offered 3 tips for optimizing your live-event results,
and one of them was: have no empty chairs in your room! In this video, I explain the
reasoning behind that statement; the subliminal psychology of creating PEAK energy in
your live events. Tell me what you think…and when you’re done…be sure to see this video,








VIDEO TRAINING 3 Live-Event Mistakes From an Internet Guru


I won’t mention his name, but I went into the city last week to see a guy who traverses the country, giving seminars. Here are 3 mistakes he made that I want to make sure you don’t make yourself. When you’re done watching, make a comment or ask a question about the tips. This is a 5-minute video–but think of it as a “mini-training,” and look to see how you could change your own live events.

Inspirational Marketing: The Wayseer Manifesto


I’m in love. Like, really. My guy has competition.
Garret John LoPorto is cute as hell—but even
more important, he’s my long-lost soul brother.
He’s created the video (and possibly the book, though
I haven’t read it yet) that I should have made—given
my propensities, teachings, programs, blog-name,
and daily ranting to anyone who’ll listen. But alas,
Garret did it in a way I never would have, and it is
just brilliant. Here is just a small taste of what he
“raps/rhapsodizes/sings/proselytizes” in his video,
The Wayseer Manifesto”:

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits and
troublemakers- all you free spirits and pioneers- all
you visionaries and non-conformists… Everything
that the establishment has told you is wrong with you
–is actually what’s right with you.
You see things
others don’t. You are hardwired to change the world.
Unlike 9 out of 10 people–your mind is irrepressible
–and this threatens authority. You were born to be a
You can’t stand rules because in your
heart you know there’s a better way. You have strengths
dangerous to the establishment — and it wants them
eliminated, So your whole life you’ve been told your
strengths were weaknesses.  Now I’m telling you

Yes! Yes! Yes! You were born to be a revolutionary,
so GET ON YOUR FEET! Everything the establishment
told you is wrong with you—is actually what’s right!

Oh, I’ll leave my swooning for the privacy of my own
home—but I do want to talk about something really
interesting with this video: its extreme success as a
marketing strategy—namely, the marketing strategy
I teach my clients and students.

No, I don’t teach them how to create videos—I leave
that to my friend, Lou Bortone—but I do teach them
how to market themselves with an “inspirational
message of universal truth.”
I call it the Meta-

And I tell my clients that this is the wave of the future
–to inspire prospects…because they will feel instant
affinity with you.

I felt such instant, magnetic affinity to Garret John
LoPorto’s ”inspirational message of universal truth”
that within 4.5 seconds of finishing the movie, I had
signed up to 1) be on his mailing list; 2) read a chapter
of his book; and 3—something I NEVER do without
consideration—I signed up for his membership program
…free for one month, but after that, I’ll be paying some

Do you think I care? Are you kidding? Depending, of
course, on what I get out of the free month, I would
pay more and I will follow him now to the ends of the
earth. Go wherever he goes (am I sounding all stalker-y?).
But it’s true: if he does a live event…I—am—there. Tele-
class (though I’m not sure that’s the appropriate venue
for him), I’m there. How can this be from a 9:50
minute video
? I don’t know what he’d be teaching.
I don’t even know if he’s a good teacher—(and we all
know what a crazy woman I am about experts who
can’t teach); I know nothing about his content what-
soever—and yet, I’ll do just what he doesn’t want any
of us to do: go blindly to anything he does.


He has touched “me.” The deep essence of me,
what matters most
to me. His Meta-Message has
met mine
, and–voila! Instant friendship. Like when
you meet someone and find out they go to the same
obscure hole-in-the-wall on 14th Street that you do,
that no one in the world knows, and they started going
the same month you did, and eat the same dish you do
when they’re there, and OMG, they drive a Volkswagen,
too, and listen to James Brown every day…just like

We are drawn magnetically to those who are just like
, and we never want to let go when we find them. And
that’s why you put your inspirational message out
there…it’s a beacon to those in your tribe, calling them
to you in a way that is far more superior (results-wise)
than calling them in with your products and services.
Because no tribe is all that big—we hang on when we
find someone in ours and we don’t let go. What Garret
did, that makes this campaign brilliant, is that he put
his message out there before any product. You see
this video—passionate, aspirational, rogue–and if
you’re a kindred spirit, your soul (not just your heart,
but your soul) jumps to attention—and hangs on
because, OMG, he gets me…on the very deepest level.
And after that, you’re ready to buy just about anything.

Not everyone has the budget to produce a video of this
quality, but every single entrepreneur can uncover his
“inspirational message of universal truth”
with it. This is what I teach my clients every day,
and nothing makes me happier than helping them
reveal their deepest message of hope.

What’s my “inspirational message of universal truth?”
Well, in a nutshell, ”Escape the wannabees.” The
longer version, created years ago as I spoke on stage
at my first live event, and spoken hundreds and hundreds
of times since; embedded in every program I teach, and
woven into all of my marketing materials is:

We are here to contribute profoundly to the evolution
of humanity–but to do that, to make the mark we are
here to make and succeed in raising the consciousness
of this planet–we must “leave the pack”; go our own
way; dare to think and act as others won’t—no matter
how unpopular we may be.

Anyone out there saying, “She’s just like me?”  Garret
John LoPorto for sure…

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